Dragon Eyez Bahamas Blog

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Where's my Finger?

"I think it's on the floor somewhere."

Do you watch Hell's Kitchen? Do you remember the episode when Matt cut his finger tip off when preparing food for a full dinner service in the restaurant this last season? If not here is the video:

Most of us have cut our fingers while working in the kitchen at one point or another. I've accidentally sliced myself every now and then, but last night I pulled almost the same manurer as Matt did.

Around 8:30ish I was slicing my Biltong into smaller pieces. I had just taken it out of the drying box after 4 days of anticipation. I was busy cutting a small piece of tough hardened meat, and a thought popped in my head, "This is not a good idea; Just leave it." It was a passing thought, and just as it passed I continued to slice. I wish I had listened to that inner voice because the blade slipped and went straight through my finger.

I did not know what happened at first even though it was really sore. I thought that I just sliced my finger, but the knife had gone in one end and came out the other taking a chunk of flesh off the tip. I realized this shortly after the damage was done as I had shoved my finger in my mouth and felt the fresh bleeding wound with my tongue.

The bleeding would not stop. An hour after my finger had been wrapped with bandages and held with pressure, the blood still flowed. Sleeping sucked later that night as I had to keep my hand up so that I would not feel the throbbing pain.

It could have been worse though; It can always be worse. I could have pulled a "Mr. Butter Finger's"!

See the clip below from the 1989 movie 'UHF' where Weird Al Yankovic (George Newman) interviews a strange local wood shop school teacher played by Emo Phillips (Joe Early) who demonstrates how to "properly" use a table-saw on the show Town Talk.

"Just call me Mr. Butter Finger's" from UHF

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